♡ The Tree of Life necklace, symbolizes the warm family, peace, health and energy, a splendid and eternal life. It’s a beautiful lucky charm. This Tree of life necklace id perfect to wear on a nice sunny summer day, or even in winter to remind us the beauty of nature at its prime.
The Bodhi tree is a holly tree in the Buddhism and originated from the Himalayan plateau region. Fun fact: more than 2000 years ago, Siddhartha meditated under this tree and practiced to free his mind from the worries of everyday life in India and attained wisdom as Shakyamuni Buddha.
♥ The ancient Greeks considered rose quartz a gift from the god Eros, helping people in finding their “beloved one” and achieve harmony in marriage 
Why this stone is so special? ⠀
➜Corresponds to Heart chakra (sexual, emotional energy)⠀
➜Enhances self-esteem and self-confidence⠀
➜This stone gives vitality to its owner, promotes the development of sensuality⠀
➜Helps to balance your emotions.⠀
➜This natural stone is great for fear, grief, relationships, contemplating love ~ how we give and receive it.⠀
➜Has a strong feminine energy.⠀
♥♥♥♥♥ All jewelry comes in premium packaging, gift ready, plus a stylish postcard ♥♥♥♥♥
All of our jewelry are designed and crafted by hand in our atelier in Bulgaria with careful attention to detail that allows us to create truly beautiful gifts for you.