The Tree of Life necklace, symbolizes the warm family, peace, health and energy, a splendid and eternal life. It’s a beautiful lucky charm. This Tree of life necklace id perfect to wear on a nice sunny summer day, or even in winter to remind us the beauty of nature at its prime.
The Bodhi tree is a holly tree in the Buddhism and originated from the Himalayan plateau region. Fun fact: more than 2000 years ago, Siddhartha meditated under this tree and practiced to free his mind from the worries of everyday life in India and attained wisdom as Shakyamuni Buddha.
This Rainbow Chakra Crystal Necklace include:
• Quartz Crystal (crown chakra)
• Carnelian (sacral chakra)
• Amethyst (third-eye chakra)
• Green Aventurine (heart chakra)
• Lapis Lazuli (throat chakra)
• Citrine (root chakra)
• Goldstone (navel chakra)